Instruments of the structure for the regional territorial information
 The structure for the territorial information is made by different instruments aimed to provide a better use of the geographic information.
 The Geoportal of Lombardy is the main point of on-line access to the whole regional IIT information. Using the Geoportal, different organizations participating to the regional IIT can publish information regarding their data and geographic services, and can search and access data and geographic services provided by other organizations. This yields good operational and economic results. The Geoportal contains specific sections for different theme areas and different user groups (PA, citizens, business) to enhance its use. Besides, the Geoportal provides operational services to publish and to display cartography, to elaborate geographic data (e.g. conversion between reference systems), to identify localization, to download information layers.
Territorial Information Catalog
 The Territorial Information Catalog is the main element of the Geoportal. It is a regional catalog of the available data and geographic services, described and documented with metadata. Through this instrument users can easily search for maps, data, documents, applications and geographic services regarding the territory of Lombardy. In order to easily feed the catalog by the maximum of organizations, many tools will be provided. These will allow to insert via web some information regarding data and geographic services, and will provide interactive applications and interchange procedures too. The catalog will use the interchange procedures defined by the Public Service of connectivity to interact with the National Data Bank and with other metadata catalogs, respecting the international standards.
Information System for Local Planning
 The Information System for Local Planning (at municipality level) is yet another service of the Integrated Territorial Information System. It has been built from the Territory Management Plan which replaces the old General Regulation Plan, deeply modifying it. This new instrument forces the switch from a lot of management tools of the regional organization (mostly made of paper) to new informatics tools. Traditional tools, still widely used, are made up by:
A paper archive of the documentation of the General Regulation Plans and their modifications;
an alphanumeric data bank of the municipalities certificates about the General Regulation Plans and their modifications;
a geographic data bank, called MISURC (Electronic Mosaic of the Municipalities Urban Tools), with the themes and forecasting contents of the General Regulation Plans and their modifications.
This scheme is evolving towards a new one, composed by:
A local planning data base, which is also a building block of the above mentioned Catalog;
a geographic data bank of local planning at 1:10,000 scale, providing synthetic information about themes and estimation of this planning (Estimation Table) and is the natural evolution of MISURC;
a digital documentation archive of all the papers referring to the approved General Territorial Plans and their modifications.
This proposed scheme shows how the data base of the local planning is a brand new tool with noticeable service components in behalf of Municipalities. This data base has theme information layers, managed by the region or by counties or by any other PA, which areIdentified as reference base for the local planning. Municipalities must notify any modification and any update that will be integrated by Region and counties.
The Estimation Table of the Territorial General Plan is the direct link between local planning and the building process of the integrated Territorial Information System. It is a free tool within the Plan Document, working at the reference scale 1:10,000, used by Municipalities to pour their building estimates into the integrated Territorial Information System. The vector themes of the Estimation Table must be transmitted to the regional Territorial Information System and to the county to which they belong. These vector themes compose the geographic data bank of the local planning. Ways of operation have been defined by a specific decree containing all the details.
The digital documentation archive is made up by text and cartographic documents of the Territorial General Plan, by metadata files about the plans and the administration data of the Territorial General Plan. Input of these data should be performed locally, via a Web based interface.
(link to:
 Information Systems for Planning at County level and more
 In a middle term perspective the regional Territorial Information System is working to achieve the same integration level also for the County Coordination Territorial Plans, for the territorial plans of protected areas (natural and regional parks, reservations, natural monuments, local parks) and for the regional Territorial Plan itself. The same logical structure and tools used for Municipalities Plans is employed, while the contents and the information layers specific of any territorial aggregation are defined by the current laws. At county level, where the territorial planning activity is well performed through the County Coordination Territorial Plan, the compatibility of the information layers with the integrated Territorial Information System will be achieved with a sharing process that will produce agreed and shared guide lines
When approved, the Regional Territorial Plan will rule also every planning tool at any level, creating a coherent system where any main competence and any value of the estimates (mandatory or guide line) will be defined. The logical structure till now applied to the information tools for the territorial planning is duplicated and yields:
A catalog of the territorial information supporting the regional planning (Q.TerCatalog, already available);
A tool able to match knowledge of any kind and to link different theme information systems (P.Ter, work in progress).
P.Ter is a mean to integrate the knowledge systems that are important for the regional planning, and has two main characteristics: it is both a container of information of estimates made by non-regional organizations (municipalities, etc.), and a tool allowing process analysis.
Information resources:
 Topographic Database
 In order to have a modern and up-to-date geographic reference base, shared by every PA, a cofinancial plan has been launched together with local PA, to produce updated Topographic data bases (new digital cartography). This is the basic tool to develop modern territorial information systems. This enterprise, activated by publishing specific calls for bids, promotes also the creation of ad hoc consortium structures for the integrated management of information technology based services. This project is a part of the e-government enterprises of the Region Lombardy, aimed to provide local PA with the best tools to efficiently manage the territory. This function, that is mainly in charge of Municipalities, requires the availability of territorial information systems at local level. These systems must be able not only to describe the geographic information, but also to share it with all the involved subjects in the planning process and to handle it in an integrated way together with a lot of other information (land register, internal revenues, technology networks, constraints, environmental data). The output will be the new reference base for the integrated Territorial Information System too, substituting the regional technical map at the 1:10,000 scale which in some cases dates back to the eighties. The topographic data bases will be produced according to technical specs of the Region Lombardy, such as prescribed at national level.
Other geographic information bases
 The territorial information resources provided by Region Lombardy, by local PA and by other subjects in their Territorial Information Systems are very huge: information bases of geographic reference (maps, digital orthographic pics), information bases referring to themes of any kind, such as geological, vegetation, agriculture, culture, constraints system, transportation structures, public works, public utility services, manufacturing activities. With the IIT tools these data will gain value, will contribute to build up the shared knowledge resources system and will be more known and used. Most of the territorial information of Region Lombardy is already available via internet to the address: