How to take part in the I.I.T. of Lombardy

The regional I.I.T. is built with the involvement of PA and of all organizations that use and produce geographic information of different kind. This process is defined by specific involvement agreements.

 Cooperation areas

 The involved subjects can cooperate in one or more of the following areas:


 Information resources

 The goal to build a Territorial Information System integrated among Region, PA, and other subjects, such as defined by the law, is achieved first of all by sharing the information contents.

Actions can concern:

  • update of existent data;
  • input of new kind of data;
  • elaboration of the data detail levels;
  • completion of data in specific territorial areas;
  • use of existent data.

Territorial Information Catalog

 Region Lombardy has organized a catalog of data and geographic services to describe and define their characteristics via metadata. These metadata follow the current standards.

Actions can concern:

  • compilation of the catalog with data/services of its own jurisdiction;
  • input of its own metadata into the catalog following interexchange standards;
  • use of regional applications in its own organization.


 Geoportal is the new Lombardy portal of territorial information. It is made by Region Lombardy to be the main point of access on line to the I.I.T information resources.

It contains common use services which allow publishing and display of cartography, elaboration of geographic data, localization, download of information layers and more.

Actions can concern:

  • production and publishing of cartography display services;
  • production and publishing of data download services;
  • production and publishing of other kind of geographic services.

New Projects

 The agreement can concern the development of new specific projects to elaborate and / or use geographic information.

 Partnership agreemnet

 The cooperation of any subject is defined by an "Agreement for Partnership with the I.I.T." to be made between Region Lombardy and PA or organizations which want to join in.

Agreements, defined following a standard schema, specifically detail roles, tasks and responsibility of each partner.


Agreement for Partnership with the I.I.T.


Procedure to define a new agreement

 To set up a partnership agreement please contact:

Struttura Sistema Informativo Integrato - U.O. Strumenti per il Governo del Territorio

Direzione Generale Territorio Urbanistica e Difesa del Suolo

Regione Lombardia

Piazza Città di Lombardia 1

20124 Milano (MI)

Tel (+39) 02 6765 4002/7307 - Segreteria/Dirigente

Fax (+39) 02 3936 166


 Dirigente: Ing. Anna Cozzi

Responsabile: Dott.ssa Donata Dal Puppo